Sunday, December 28, 2008
embarrassed by a bounty of riches
That afternoon we spent with my husband's family, immediate and extended. It was a quieter affair, but that is largely just a result of numbers.
The sheer amount of gifts given and received were phenomenal. Kiddo made out like a bandit, with many more books, clothes, and toys. My husband and I were also the recipients of serious generosity shown to us by our families. We are so blessed.
Did I mention that Christmas is more Christmas-y when surrounded by family?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
home for Christmas
Christmas is more Christmas-y surrounded by families from near and far, especially when we don't see them very often, so we're glad to be here.
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2008
take a bow
being there for her
She moved as soon as her door opened, and looked at me. Shoot! I picked her up, and hoped I could rock her back to sleep. She felt pretty hot though, so I decided to give her some Tylenol first. As we were sitting in the rocking chair, trying to get the Tylenol bottle open, she coughed, then coughed some more, then threw up all over me. I called out for my husband, and then she got the rest of her dinner out on me. Why does this always happen at night?
We were all up by this point, so we cleaned the baby, her carpet, me, threw the clothes in the washing machine, and took her temperature. Definitely warm, but not enough to wake anyone. I assume this is a response to her vaccinations, and all I can think is how grateful I am we're doing this now, and not in three days on the plane for Christmas.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
green pants
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
family togetherness
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
happy birthday baby
Friday, December 12, 2008
ode to my forced air heater
1) Forced air heating keep air circulation up, which is important to reduce the risk of SIDS, which was a constant low level concern for me last winter with my newborn.
2) It also provides A/C in the summer, which most duplexes in my row do not have.
3) Our heating bills are significantly less than our neighbors.
4) It serves as a white noise generator when I'm putting my daughter to sleep.
And then yesterday I was visiting my neighbor with her 10-month old, and realized the real reason I love it:
5) The old system was vents on the floor, which get hot. She spends all day making sure her boy doesn't touch them. My daughter can't get any where near our vents, so there is no danger there.
I have enough things I'm trying to keep my daughter away from without adding that to the list.
I love my heating system, and will miss it when we move. (which is not for many months, but I continue to dream.)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
a lefty?
the saddest sound
(no surprise, she seems to be taking it all in stride, and is still having a great day)
Monday, December 8, 2008
maybe not
Sunday, December 7, 2008
a mother's rite of passage
Friday, December 5, 2008
no spoons here
It's also taxing her clothes, since she's not as good with her hands as I am with a spoon. Where is her bib? you may ask. They are too small, and she just takes them off any way, so I've stopped fighting for a while.
Second Cousins
This is the one that is 10 days younger than her.
There were also three-month old twins, and the aforementioned 2 year old. The 2 year old was particularly helpful, and soothed Kiddo to sleep one day when we were having no luck in getting her to nap. He took the initiative for helping all by himself. I am grateful for his help, although I would not have thought to solicit it.
It was a great weekend, and a welcome break from conference prep, conference attendance, and the general activities of our life. Family is really what it's all about.
a mathematician's birthday cake
I made him a cake, and we opened presents together as a family. I didn't have enough candles, so he did it in binary. Clever.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
new friend and new hat
I put the finger puppet bag on Kiddo's head. She left it on there for a quite a while considering her adversion to hats. Isn't she cute?
Monday, November 24, 2008
color for a dreary day
Here's a close up of her rosy cheeks.
all Kiddo all the time
Especially because my husband's departure fell on the second day of the Priest-Laurel conference, of which I was mostly in charge (with one or two other leaders). So, we started off dad's absence with a day of shepherding and interacting with 175 youth and their assorted leaders. The conference was a success; most of our youth just don't get to see that many others that believe as they do. Granted, it took inviting half the state to get that many 16 and 17 year olds, but I was grateful to help out. This did unfortunately mean that on day 1 of our time together, Kiddo got a grand total of 30 minutes of nap (compared to her usual 2 or 3 hours total), while I sat on the floor of the afternoon dance.
Day 2 of dad's absence was marked by church, which meant she got one of two naps. Why this obsession with naps? Well, first off, because I am obsessed with sleeping patterns, because I love to be well-rested (or at least, I believe I would love being well-rested, having not been in this condition for years, it is a largely theoretical belief), and I can only get enough rest if my daughter does. And a lack of naps means poor nighttime sleep, and the cycle continues.
Although the sleep is an issue (obsession), having the conference and church were actually good things, because it meant we were out of the house with much to do. As mentioned, the conference was full of people, and Kiddo loves people. And then the dance was certainly a highlight too - loud music with a beat! what more could my budding musician dream of?
I believe that came the next day, while we were in church, singing hymns in Relief Society. They asked me if I would lead the music. As Kiddo prepared to sing along she realized that momma can wave her arm to the music! So she happily joined in, singing and waving along. It makes me happy that while she loves a beat, she loves the hymns more.
We've scheduled visitors for today and tomorrow too. When my visiting teachers asked when they could come, I encouraged them to come when my husband would be gone. And when a lady I visit teach needed someone to watch her little girl, I quickly volunteered for the opportunity, then explained that she would have to come to me, because dad took the car. But he will bring it home soon (with himself inside - thank goodness), and hopefully then he won't go anywhere without us for a long time. (Until he starts interviewing for jobs, at least.)
Monday, November 17, 2008
why crawl if you can walk?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
small friend
no meds
She drilled and filled without any discomfort, and I was home faster than any of us expected. Which means I could have left the child at the neighbor's as opposed to dragging my husband home, but how was I to know that?
Monday, November 10, 2008
helping out
At first, she specifically tried to avoid the basket, until I showed her three times that we can take out a towel, and put it in the basket. Then, she did it once, and I cheered her on so much that she couldn't wait to do it again, and again, and again.
So, now someone else can unload the dryer. Except when Kiddo does it, I need to stand there to help her keep her balance, keep cheering her on so she continues to put them in the basket, and get the clothes that are past her reach, so maybe this isn't such a good deal after all.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
crunch time
nap schedule
Note the past tense. Then came the end of daylight savings time. While Kiddo was remarkably quick to adapt (her bed time was back to "normal" by the clocks in two days time) she lost her nap schedule along the way. So we are back to going from one to three hours in the morning, trying to tell when she is at the right stage of tired to nap, and not being able to plan my outings, because I don't know when she'll be tired and need a nap.
(And we've ended up skipping naps the last two days - and we are done with that. Neither of us is happy by the end of the day when that happens.) Oh well, the schedule was nice while it lasted. Perhaps it will come back some day.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
receptive vocabulary
The most consistent demonstrations of her understanding come in reading. She knows the stories so well that she does the actions as we are turning to the page. In the book that says "no, no" she shakes her head. For the book that "says good bye" she waves. And when the hungry catepillar turns into a butterfly, she claps.
And of course, for the books with serious rhythm, she dances.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
civic duty
So this afternoon my daughter and I picked up my husband from school, and we went to the polls. We were in line for an hour and a half. Kiddo did great, even though we were there over dinner hour (she had a piece of bread). I was grateful that the weather was decent, and that we voted before the sun went down. It actually dipped beneath the horizon, and got much colder, while we were in voting.
What I was really grateful for though, was the opportunity to have a voice in my country's government, and that I used that voice.
This is my child's second voting experience, and I hope that by planting the seeds early they'll go deep.
kitchen help
Sunday, November 2, 2008
first snow
So when she got up from her nap, I bundled her up, and took her out in the snow. She was surprised when the first big snowflake hit her face, but then got into the spirit of the event, and really enjoyed our five minutes outside.
too warm for penguins
fall in our county
why my baby loves the computer
In addition, we only have one computer that is truely functional, which one would think was plenty for two people that have access to an entire univeristy worth of computers, but some how it is often not enough. Computer use post-baby-bedtime is at a premium. Either me or my husband or both of us need it for school work. Computer use pre-baby-bedtime is equally complicated. During nap time, I need to be maddly doing school work. When it's not nap time, well, at those times we try to avoid the computer, because Kiddo loves the computer.
She likes to sit on my lap and "help" type. She likes to crawl towards the color printer, in order to press the on/off button (so it makes noise) and also open the front of it. When we're not guarding the computer, she pulls herself to standing so she can reach the keyboard and "types" (read: pounds) on the keyboard. It would be frustrating (and it is a little), but I know that this is just her trying to be like us, we seem to use the computer all the time - so it must be exciting. Plus, we can watch pictures of her on the computer, and sometimes we even watch videos on it!
So Kiddo loves the computer, and the amount of time that the computer is free and she is asleep (and I am awake) is small, so posts have become few and far between. Today I can use it while she is awake, and let her dad run interference (which he is doing excellently with the help of the piano, which may very well may be her new love), so we just may get caught up.
Friday, October 24, 2008
chickens need friends too
My husband is keeping more than busy teaching two sections of mathematics, researching for his dissertation (and the accompanying project and presentations), and starting to look for jobs (no, we are not finishing until next summer, but one applies for academic jobs early). He is recently published. I would tell you where, but you wouldn't understand it anyway, so let it rest that it is in a sufficiently academic publication. I am very proud of his hard work.
I have just finished entering my dissertation data, and will actually look at it tomorrow, starting to look for trends and patterns, and the stuff I look for. This is a monumental day for me. Every day I pray to be able to work well, and finish this thing. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, albeit a very faint one, that I sometimes wonder if it's just a figment of my imagination.
Our town recently declared that three friends are as good as five. The city council had hearings on chickens in town, and decided that you can have no more than four. One man recommended that, given the social nature of chickens, they would prefer to roost in sixes. But, we don't want to go overboard with this legislation, so we'll keep it at four. (The councilwoman who supported the no more than four position was careful to point out she was not anti-chicken. As this was a burning concern of mine, I'm glad she addressed it.) I sometimes pretend I live in a city, but then something like this happens, and I'm reminded that I live in the middle of nowhere.
We're happy here, and grateful to have such a beautiful place to start our family. Now back to the child.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
big girl crawl
It looked wrong, but really it was right. She was not on her elbows, but instead was on her hands, and knees! She was crawling like a big girl. Throughout the day she has practiced more and more and is getting quite proficient.
That being said, she is still faster on her belly. She proved this to us when my husband tried to film her, and she was so excited that she dropped off her knees, and scooted very quickly towards him, or actually the camera.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
getting up, but not getting down
The problem is, she can't get down. She hasn't realized she can just let go and fall on her bottom, and so she leans, and twists, and shuffles (or tries to) until she finally falls over. Which means that just as the little bruise on her forehead was fading she got a new one on her cheek, which I'm sure will be followed by another somewhere else. 'Tis the season, I keep reminding myself. She'll fall for a while, but she'll learn. And, she is completely unphased by any of it. She falls over, looks surprised, then rolls over, pushes herself to sitting, scoots next to whatever she was standing next to, and pulls herself up again. Good for her.
Friday, October 17, 2008
think versus feel
"No mom, I mispoke. She doesn't think it's exciting, she feels that it is exciting, so much that my daughter is quivering with emotion, and can't even make noise she is so overcome by the marvel that is this talking phone." And about the time I got that thought out, Kiddo finally squawked for joy, and started yelling about the goodness of it all.
Anyone want to call and talk to my kid? She loves it. (but you'll have to call our cell phones, our land line speaker isn't portable)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
quiet time
So last night we sucked it up, and "reset" her sleeping patterns, by letting her cry it out. I hate doing it, and am no good at it. But we did. She finally fell asleep, and this morning, went down for her nap with limited protest. It's nice to have things settled again.
Monday, October 13, 2008
the concept of cup
So when she found the extra garbage can (that thankfully holds no trash) in our room, that is plastic, cylindrical, closed on one end and open on the other, she knew exactly what to do. Put it up to her mouth and try to drink. Luckily, nothing came out.
from rap to ravel
My theory was tested a few moments later when they played a teaser for the classical music portion of the day, and played a flute and harp piece by Ravel. Kiddo danced her heart out to that one too.
Was she primed by the rap music? Perhaps. Does she love (and dance to) all music? Yes. Is she the cutest dancer ever? I think it's likely so.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
stand up
just say no
what's for breakfast
So, toast may have been one of Kiddo's first real foods. She loves it. And I've recently started her on eggs too. It took us a little work to figure out how she could eat eggs (she didn't want to be fed them) but now we have a little routine.
We sit her in her chair, and she has cheerios while I get her breakfast. She has some baby oatmeal, then some sort of fruit. When she won't eat any more of that, she plays in her chair for a bit while I make my breakfast. Then we share my two eggs and toast.
This morning, she was having trouble picking up the eggs and getting them into her mouth. I marveled at her ... innocence in this process. She would carefully pick up the egg bit, and try to get it to her mouth. Sometimes she couldn't pick it up, sometimes she dropped it on the way to her mouth, and a few times it slid out of her mouth once she got it there. Undeterred, unembarrassed, and undaunted, she tried again until she made it. When is the last time I've been so diligent about accomplishing something that I wanted but wasn't that good at yet? What a good example my baby is to me.
Our first attempt a few weeks ago... (this time she let me feed her, which explains the amount in her mouth.)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
a lesson in comparing babies
I read on a friend's blog that her boy clapped along with pat-a-cake. I thought: how cute is that? Would Kiddo do that? It turns out that, yes, she will, and in fact, it's not so cute at all. (Well, it is cute, because she's cute, but other than that, not cute.) Perhaps it is because she will sit there forever listening to me chant the rhyme, and then as soon as I get to the end she will start clapping her hands to indicate it is time for an encore. And then again, and then again. I don't know how long she'll ask for it, because I certainly can't stand it as long as she can.
The last time I found myself in this cycle I thought, maybe we'll chant some other rhyme and clap along. Nope. That wasn't good enough. She "nya-nya"'d at me until I went back to the old favorite.
The worst part of this situation is that even when I'm not entertaining her with the chant, it still drifts through my head in a never ending loop: pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I love doors
I know, I know, it won't last forever. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be grateful while it does.
messy eating
She's learned that she has choices - like when to eat or not eat. So if she isn't in the mood, she shakes her head back and forth with amazing speed, and this may result in some food on her cheeks. In addition, she wants to hold the bowl and spoon, which often results in food on her hands, which gets pushed onto her tray and chair.
The last two days have been particularly messy.
This was not her fault. Her dad just dropped her food bowl, and got oatmeal everywhere. The second picture is of her trying to lick it off the tray.
This was. She hit the spoon, and peaches flew everywhere. Note her arm pulled into her sleeve. She seems to be figuring out sleeves these days. Later in this feeding (or was it the next time?) she made a lunge for the cereal, and succeeded. Ah for the clean days again.
Friday, October 3, 2008
unexpected chores
Later on that day she just wouldn't take a nap, then I was inspired to take her somewhere in the car. So I got the bills ready to go, and made a trip to the post office (it worked - she fell asleep). Not much happened that day that was supposed to, but plenty of other things did.
I read in a magazine once that instead of making a "to-do" list at the beginning of the day, a lady made an "I've-done" list at the end. That was the kind of day I had.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
wave bye-bye
Sometimes she makes a fist and bends her wrist once or twice. Sometimes she moves her hand up and down.
My favorite application of this skill is while reading. The book "Oh my oh my oh dinosaurs" by Sandra Boynton ends with the page "Dinosaurs looking right at you to say good-bye because we're through." With no prompting from us she figured out that this was "saying bye-bye" and she waves to the dinosaurs. I love it.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
weekend with dad
Saturday, September 27, 2008
but I wanted that
Friday, September 26, 2008
gravity lessons
Thursday, September 25, 2008
That's the sound my daughter's belly makes right after she's had her bottle when she starts to play. It cracks me up.
marco polo
Yesterday I popped into the kitchen, and could hear her scooting my direction, and expected her little head to pop around the corner any moment. And then everything was silent. People who know children know that silence is not golden, that's only when children are asleep, when they're awake, it's a danger sign. So I started to call her name, to distract her from whatever was holding up her progress. I called it two or three times with no response, and then, just before going to check on her I called out "ehh!" which is her favorite sound. She piped back "ehh!" started moving, and soon came around the corner.
So she doesn't know her name just yet, but she does know sounds that mean we're talking to her.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I was helping her have a drink as we approached the end of breakfast. Although I was holding the cup near her, I decided to wait a few more chews before offering it to her. She made a distinct squawk that meant "drink now." I was so happy to understand what she wanted I was more that willing to oblige. She drank gratefully. What an incredible moment.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
say hi to dad
Thursday, September 18, 2008
nine months and all is well
But, today she figured out how to pull herself up, not to standing, but just enough so she can reach into her toy bin and pull out whatever she wants. This allows her to play with what she wants, not what I give her. Let's hear it for increased independence.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
getting bigger
Yesterday I put her in the computer chair, and I carefully spun her around (which she LOVED). She looked so cute, and I took her picture, remembering that I had taken her picture there a few months earlier (early april to be exact). So I decided to compare the pictures.
In the earlier picture, she could not sit up on her own, and it was quite amazing that we could get this picture at all. (We took another picture of her at the same time in a bebepod, and she had a distinct tilt.) Now, she sits by herself, can rotate while sitting, and dance, and even can get herself to the seated position. She is so much bigger! And one more change, she smiles like crazy. Especially any time she sees the camera. And, on Sunday one of my friend's mentioned that she doesn't look like an infant any more, and looking at these two pictures, I can see what she meant.
ps- my husband mopped the floor, thank you!
Monday, September 15, 2008
please come clean my floors
Which, incidently, is why my mom started really cleaning her floors. Her little kids would have dirty knees from crawling around on them, and that just didn't seem right. I agree, and now floor washing is moving higher on my priority list.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
fun with the family
We are currently being visited by a number of wasps/yellow jackets, some form of stinging insect. Their hive is being built in the eaves of our home, and some have found a way in. Usually to the tune of five or six a day. We have not been stung by any of them, but it's still disconcerting. So, we bought a trap for them, and needed to hang it by their hive. Although my husband is tall, he was not tall enough. So his brother helped him get the extra height:
in and out day
I took a picture of the two of us. It amazes me how little she looks next to me. After holding her, and feeding her, and carrying her, and chasing her all day long, it seems that she must be at least my size, perhaps bigger. She certainly takes up more space that her physical appearance indicates.
My life has been turned upside down by this incredibly happy, friendly, and good little girl. She is growing up remarkably fast. Although, in all honesty, I looked at the new babies in church today remembering fondly the times when she would sleep anywhere (as opposed to currently, where she'll really only sleep in her bed). I also looked at the older baby narrating her life: "dump it out" as the contents of the bag got dumped all over the floor, and was excited to her Kiddo's voice and start to learn her thoughts. I guess that's what happens at each stage. You remember fondly where they were, look forward to where they'll be, and still try to enjoy each moment as it comes. Because it's really fun right now.
Happy 9 months Kiddo!