Sunday, September 14, 2008

on the metro

We met grandma and uncle in Washington D.C. It provided us with a welcome trip to the temple, plus some fun family time in downtown D.C. This also meant that my daughter got to ride an escalator, and a metro. She loved all of it, of course.

Kiddo had been wilting, so we were taking her back for a rest and some food before we traveled home.She perked back up on the train back to the hotel though. At one point, a lady sat in front of us. She smiled at my daughter, who was smiling at everyone. Kiddo kept making noises at the lady, especially every time the lady looked away, to get her attention again. She's totally a social smiler. My husband and I were finally a little embarrassed by our daughter's flagrant attention seeking behavior, so my husband said "We're sorry, she's an attention hog." The lady brushed aside our apology and said "She's an attention magnet, you can't help look at her beautiful eyes and smile and smile back."