So, better late than never. The second week of our visit to grammy and grandpa consisted of a lot of work for me, and a lot of fun for my daughter. Each day was a delightful routine of waking up with grammy, taking a walk, having breakfast (during which a sleepy mom would finally emerge), sometimes taking a bath in the sink!, and more fun.
In the afternoons, we would all take a swim. Not only did Kiddo love the water, she also looked dang cute in her suit.

We also got to go out to eat a few times. She has gotten very proficient at sitting in her baby seat, and eating socially.

Then, in a great surprise, a family in our ward was flying home on the same second flight as us. So, someone else could entertain her for a few minutes while I got to go to the restroom without a stroller, and without the heavy diaper bag.

I actually got a few pages written during my "vacation" and have continued to keep up the work now that we're home, but not at quite the same speed, because I have to take care of the kid, and make dinner, around here. But it's great to be back in my house, with my husband.