Friday, December 19, 2008

being there for her

Yesterday my daughter had been whiny and clingy all day, had no appetite for table food, and had a fever. It was a long day for the two of us, since my husband had a long day at work yesterday (grading 100 or so finals). She went to bed just fine (albeit a little early, because she's had lousy naps and wasn't feeling well), but because my husband had been gone all day, we stayed up a little later to talk. At 11:20 as we were finally going to bed I remembered that I wanted to check on her before I went to bed, and peeked into her room.

She moved as soon as her door opened, and looked at me. Shoot! I picked her up, and hoped I could rock her back to sleep. She felt pretty hot though, so I decided to give her some Tylenol first. As we were sitting in the rocking chair, trying to get the Tylenol bottle open, she coughed, then coughed some more, then threw up all over me. I called out for my husband, and then she got the rest of her dinner out on me. Why does this always happen at night?

We were all up by this point, so we cleaned the baby, her carpet, me, threw the clothes in the washing machine, and took her temperature. Definitely warm, but not enough to wake anyone. I assume this is a response to her vaccinations, and all I can think is how grateful I am we're doing this now, and not in three days on the plane for Christmas.