Thursday, November 6, 2008

nap schedule

A few weeks ago my daughter finally found a nap schedule! Hallejujah! This meant I could plan my day, I knew when to put her down, and when to go out. I was no longer at the mercy of her - and it was easier to leave her with others, because I could provide them with a plan. It was beautiful.

Note the past tense. Then came the end of daylight savings time. While Kiddo was remarkably quick to adapt (her bed time was back to "normal" by the clocks in two days time) she lost her nap schedule along the way. So we are back to going from one to three hours in the morning, trying to tell when she is at the right stage of tired to nap, and not being able to plan my outings, because I don't know when she'll be tired and need a nap.

(And we've ended up skipping naps the last two days - and we are done with that. Neither of us is happy by the end of the day when that happens.) Oh well, the schedule was nice while it lasted. Perhaps it will come back some day.