Monday, February 1, 2010

our Saturday morning

Now that we've moved, we really need to get our licenses and car registration changed over. We determined that we would go first thing Saturday morning to beat the lines. We arrived at the nearest DMV to find lines out the door. Husband and child got in to the waiting room, but I was parking the car, and would have been stuck outside for however long it took for there to be room for me. This would have been a problem for two reasons, 1) Kiddo would have freaked out with me close enough to see, but not close enough to touch, and 2) it was 18 degrees outside. So we got in the car and started to drive home. As we drove away we watched the line grow longer and longer of people determined to wait it out, despite the cold. Good for them.

We decided to get directions to another, less urban DMV, hoping for shorter lines. Silly us, there is no such thing as not-urban around here. When we arrived at the other site, equally long lines in equally cold temperatures were there too. We've determined to try this again, on a week day.

One reason we decided to go the second DMV is that it is close to a Trader Joe's grocery store, which we hoped would have some tahini paste, so we could make some hummus. It didn't. But, we passed a small arabian grocery store on the way there, so we stopped on the way back, and they had tahini. It was a big morning, where nothing really worked out how we wanted it to, but hey, we have tahini now.

And, a new appreciation for the flexibility of my husband's job. There are many jobs where he could not just take off on a weekday morning to do errands. We try not to abuse this privilege, but we have it, and that's really nice. I guess all that education will pay off after all.