Or, I can not clean up after dinner last night, so her bowl of chips are still on the table from yesterday, and she can refuse her usual breakfast (bread and jam) for a request of salsa for her chips (which chips we have because last week she asked for chips and salsa, which we have not had around the house for months).
Sometimes she gets what she wants. But recently we've started negotiating. Hmm, maybe I've started placing conditions. I told her she could have salsa after she ate a piece of her bread and jam. She contentedly ate all of it, but then quickly remembered her need for salsa. For lunch, I convinced her to eat most of a quesadilla before she could have her hot chocolate.
This is really having ramifications with our upcoming efforts in toilet training her. We bought her a duck toilet seat, which, given her love of ducks, was very exciting to her. She was even okay with putting it on the regular toilet seat. But there was no way she was going to sit on the toilet. ("No, no, no" has been her response every time it's been offered to her over the last few weeks as we've been gearing up for the adventure.)
My husband asked how we would get her to sit on it. "Bribery," was my simple answer. Last night, we convinced her to sit on it with her clothes on for about 1 second for a Hershey kiss (Kiddo loves chocolate, and Valentine's candy is on sale). This morning we got three or four minutes. Later this morning, I convinced her to do it without pants. Each time, she got her chocolate. We are warning her that soon she'll need to do more, but as for now, I'm just grateful she's overcome whatever concern she had about sitting on the toilet. Obviously that had to be overcome before we made it any further.