Wednesday, February 3, 2010

our "new" couch

My cousin lives (sort of) near where we live. When I started calling her about moving and such she offered me her old couch. I told her yes. You see, when we left our duplex of five years, we threw out our couch. It was old, and tired, and sucked you in deeply, and was hard to get out of, and generally uncomfortable. We knew if we kept it then we may never find the money to replace it. But if we threw it out, then we had to get a new couch. This was a great plan until five months later because of a myriad of circumstances, we still had no couch, pregnancy was making it increasingly uncomfortable to live on the floor, but at least now we had a (semi-)permanent residence.

I saw my new couch for the "first" time when we had dinner at my cousin's near Thanksgiving time. Except when I saw it, I knew I'd seen it before. It had been in my aunt's house in the living room when we lived near each other. I'm not sure if I had ever sat on it though, after all, when I first knew it, it was the nice couch (read: the kids stay away). So this is a hand-me-down of a hand-me-down. We love it.

We picked up the couch on another visit for pizza at my cousin's house two weeks ago. My cousin's husband and another cousin (cousin A - you made the blog!) helped my husband load it in, and friends on this end unloaded it. And now we have a couch. And I'm really happy. It has improved my life immensely, and also meant I didn't need to find money for a new couch, which is a blessing too.