Wednesday, February 17, 2010

daddy's snow day

Last Wednesday we got 8 -10 inches of snow. That's really not so much, but exciting when it all comes in one day. Since it actually came during the day (as opposed to overnight) Daddy stayed home from work. He did a lot of it from home, but took some time off in the afternoon to take Kiddo out for her requisite snow time. She made, of course, footprints. They also went to the bakery to buy treats. I was spared having to go outside since Daddy was there. What a blessing.

This week, when it snowed again (only about three inches this time) Daddy was not home. So Kiddo and I braved the storm ourselves in our attempt to attend story time. We did, and being at the library was a success, as always. I am so grateful for public programs like that.