*blessing my baby.
*my brother's wedding.
*my family time.
*his family time.
*seeing old friends.
*the farm.
*mini reunion.
*maxi reunion.
*faux skydiving.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, the best part of this vacation was family. The small downside to having so much at once is that it's hard to get to spend time with all of them, and I failed in that respect. For example, I have no picture with me and my dad. Other people do, but I don't. But, we did spend more time with Uncle K, my husband's brother. Here he is with my little one. (He kind of scares Kiddo half to death, so we chose not to force a picture there.) This is about 10 minutes before she pooped all over him. It made me laugh. And he assures me he doesn't care.