Tuesday, July 6, 2010

new skills

Kiddo hid from me, as a joke, for the first time today. When I found her she laughed with delight. Today I thought it was marvelous. I'm sure it will lose its excitement as time goes by.

Also in the last few days she seems to have figured out first and second person. How did it happen so quickly? And she really wanted to carry her snow cone tonight. But I wanted her to wait until she was sitting. As we walked along she kept insisting "I need it! I need it!" Where did "need-want" go? She is growing before my very eyes. And while I'm very proud of her, for the first time, I don't feel ready for her to grow up, and leave these things behind. Maybe part of the problem is that I look at her and see a little girl now, not a toddler. Is that because she's really growing, or is it the comparison to her sister and little cousin, or is it just because she's the first child? This is happening way too fast. (And she's only two. I need to get over this.)

Babes is also getting new skills. Today she rolled over, on accident. Her daddy tried to recreate it. As she almost did it again he jumped and yelled with excitement. She didn't make it though, until she was helped. Maybe tomorrow.

And she's such a good smiler. I will do a lot for one of those smiles, but luckily all I have to do is get her attention.