Friday, July 11, 2008

a mother's prayer

After waking up twice last night (which was particularly cruel, as she 1) usually only wakes up once now, 2) slept through the night the previous night and 3) woke up the first time just to play - which is not okay), Leni slept in a little this morning. So we got up at almost 8, instead of 6 - 6:30. That meant that dad was already off to work, and so we had some quiet time in my bed. Then I fed her. Just before we got up to attack the day (translation: move to another room), I thought, 'I should pray, as I will most likely forget otherwise.'

So I let my daughter lie on the bed watching the fan (6 1/2 mos later still one of her favorite pasttimes) and I knelt down near her to pray. Moments later I felt the first brush of tentative fingers reaching for my fly-away hairs. Then the pull became stronger, so I let my hair out of its clip so she could have something more substantial to grab at (the more hair in her hand, the less it hurts when she pulls). And then I continued praying, with my hair serving as my daughter's entertainment to keep her safe and content so I could talk to my Heavenly Father.

I know I accidently interrupted my mom's prayers many times over the years. I'm assuming the other six did as well. I knew that at some point my kids would interrupt mine; I just didn't expect it this soon.

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