Wednesday, July 23, 2008

happy, happy, joy, joy

People say two things about my baby. One is they notice how cute she is (and they're right). The other is that she is a happy baby. Again, they're right. When I first noticed how happy she was I was grateful to have such joy in our home. Then I thought, well, aren't all babies happy? And while I believe many, if not most, of them are, I still think my daughter is particularly so.

People remark on this in various ways. Some just point out that she is happy. One said "your baby, she is always wearing a smile." My favorite was the lady in the engineering building, who when she received a smile from my daughter concluded "that is a well-loved baby." I liked the idea that she felt so secure in our love that she was overwhelmingly happy.

I don't know that all my kids will be like her - she is good natured in more ways that just her happiness, but I love that right now, happy is a good word to describe our home and family, but especially our daughter.

1 comment:

le said...

Your baby based on the pictures is happy baby. I'd hardly say my baby is depressed boy, but he is a serious kid when he is around others. He rarely has ever smiled around people he doesn't know. I figure he gets the seriousness from both sides, both of his grandpa's are serious, he has many blood uncles that are serious, and boy cousins that are serious. Maybe one day you can have a serious boy too.