Friday, March 8, 2013

thoughts at the end of the week

This was my week to sign Babs up for preschool next year. But I chose not to. I feel like she needs some different arrangement than formal preschool this next year (she can do a formal one the year before kindergarten). I'm not clear what that arrangement will be, but I have plenty of time to think about it, and hope I can figure out what she does need.

One of my really good friends from NJ came into town last night for a wedding, so I got to spend some time with her. It was so great to talk and talk and talk. Plus, I need to buy make-up for Kiddo's ballet pictures (then recital in a few months), and she knows all about make-up! So she helped me pick out what I needed. It was an an incredible blessing.

At the end of the ultrasound, the tech announced to us that our boy weighs 11 oz. The thought I can't get out of my head since then is that he has a lot of weight to put on in the next 20ish weeks, and that's going to really expand me fast. The other main result of our visit is that we now need boys clothes, and a boy name. We've never even considered boys names, but it's clear to me that I'm picky about names.

I finally put on some maternity pants today - jeans to be specific. I feel much less like a slob than I have for the last two months as I've worn extra baggy sweats. (Perhaps my new sweatshirt is helping too.)

On Wednesday, winter storm Saturn blew through. I know it did a lot of damage in a lot of places, but once again, it passed us by with hardly any impact. But, it was a snow day for both my husband and my daughter, so we got to spend the whole day as a family together, with no place to go. It's really nice to have extra time together. We were supposed to make cookies at some point, but it didn't happen. Instead I made cookies with Kiddo yesterday. Chocolate chips, just like she asked. Except we had no chocolate chips. But the batter was good enough that we cooked some of without the chips. We'll finish them up today.