Friday, March 29, 2013

success (soon)

This morning Babs and I were playing with her dollhouse dolls. A mama doll (voiced by Babs) asked a grandpa doll (voiced by me) where his baby was. I made him hug Babs, and gush "Babs is my baby."

She replied indignantly, "I not a baby, I a big girl."

Grandpa Doll continued "Oh, how do you know you're a big girl?"

"Cause I wear underwear like a big girl."

It's important to note that not all the details are worked out. She still goes through multiple pairs of underwear each day. But she wants this, and is proud of it, so I'm sure it is just a matter of (a short amount of) time (and prayer on my part, because I'm convinced that is the secret, oh and timing, that it is working now.)