Monday, March 25, 2013

becoming a big girl, step three, day 1

Today we started potty training again. At some point last week I realized that since it was Kiddo's spring break, I didn't have to leave the house unless I chose to for an entire week, and that was a good time to help Babs learn to use the potty. Our day can be summed up by my husband's positive reinforcement as we were getting ready to put her to bed:

"I'm so proud of you for wearing underwear today. You even got to wear about seven pairs!"

We certainly have buy in. She wants to wear underwear. She will sit on the potty when I ask her to (I'm sure the baby marshmallows that come along with that are only part of the draw). She just hasn't quite figured out how to go when she sits there. But she is willing to try, which is way better than last time.

I could write more, but does anyone actually want the gory details? Do I want to relive them? No. And, I need to go clean those underwear (and pants, she insisted all day that she needed pants) so we can try again tomorrow.