I told Kiddo last week that we could not watch TV all day. And I meant it.
Then I got sick yesterday. Really sick. (Postpartum mastitis sick.) I don't get sick, but I was. I laid on the couch for two hours with a fever, shivering uncontrollably, using what small part of my brain that was still functioning to keep my kids alive. It came on suddenly, and was not fun.
Eventually my friend came to watch Kiddo (and feed her for the first time that day at 3 pm), and then my husband got home a couple hours later. My fever broke. And by yesterday evening, I no longer wanted to give up entirely.
And Kiddo got her wish: we watched TV all day. We will today too, and probably tomorrow. And I'll spend a lot of the day telling her that no, I can't get up and dance with you. But at least she'll have the TV.