Popular wisdom states that children under the age of 2 shouldn't watch TV. Or at least they should only watch educational TV, and in small amounts. I assumed that Kiddo wouldn't watch TV until she was 1. What I hadn't figured in was my child's innate love of the television. At one month she was transfixed by it. We would joke, as we turned on Law and Order, "Do you want to watch a homicide?" And I'll admit that I use it as a babysitter when I'm trying to make dinner, or trying to feed Baby. She's learning to love the Wii too. (See her "drive the princess"?)
She asks me at least once a day, usually more often, when she's moving from one activity to another, "let's watch a little TV." Often the answer is no, but sometimes it's yes, so I suppose she'll keep asking.
Next week my husband will be at a conference and I will solo with the kids for five days. I joked to friend today that if needs be, we could just watch TV all day. Kiddo dropped the book she was currently reading, and ran to me "We can watch TV all day" she announced with excitement. Umm, no.