As Kiddo's skills have developed, we've given her lots of encouragement. And since there is nothing she likes more than praise, there is even more for her than I believe we would have provided on our own. Phrases like "You're so good at jumping," and "You're such a good dancer," are common place around our house. They are said (verbatim) by both the parents and the child.
Her language skills are undergoing a huge shift right now, so she can now form more original thoughts. Which is why, after her Daddy asked her for a kiss the other night, and she complied, she was able to praise herself by saying, "You're such a good kisser."
And yet oddly, she is not. On a typical day, the request for a kiss is met with Kiddo leaning her head towards you so you can kiss it. On a good day, she will brush her lips near you, with some puckering, but certainly no smack. But, she believes she is good and talented at this and all other things. And since there is plenty of time for the world to teach her otherwise, we'll go on praising her in most things.