We cleaned and preserved my wedding gown. Okay, my mom did it, with some help from Kiddo.
We finally decorated the wreath I bought on sale five years ago. Okay, I helped my mom pick out flowers, and she decorated it.
And, Grammy reports on the following potty training experience. (And with this, we should be done with potty training stories, because we have passed the last waking hurdle, church without a pull-up. And I declare her trained while waking.) During nursery, she did not announce it was time to use the potty, but instead pulled her undies and tights down to her ankles. Grammy, in her haste to bring her where she needed to be, helped her waddle to the bathroom just like that. Oops! The hallway was full of people. But they made it to the toilet in time. Yay Kiddo!
The weather was beautiful, the only blemish to the visit was that Kiddo didn't feel very well, so stayed more attached to me than usual. But she still loves Grammy. And they did make cupcakes.
Come back soon. Then I'll have two babies to love.