Friday, March 5, 2010

have done list

I read in a magazine somewhere that instead of writing a "to do" list at the beginning of each day, the author wrote a "have done" list at the end of the day, allowing her (?) to better appreciate what she had actually accomplished. This spoke to me, as I often (okay, always) fail to complete everything on my to-do list, but when I am honest in my appraisal of the day, I realize I have actually done quite a bit.

So last week, I still didn't get a pediatrician for my girl here and my girl on the way, I didn't finish my church book for Kiddo, and I still haven't cleaned off the computer desk, or sorted through those boxes still sitting in the "box room." But, I got the laundry done, and on Thursday, I made hummus. I love hummus, I've wanted some for a long time, but had never made it before. That was my husband's job. (I don't like store bought hummus. It tastes weird.) But why? Why couldn't I do it myself? Kiddo loves to help in the kitchen, and I wanted hummus. So, I didn't do much that day, but we did make hummus. I went to bed feeling like I'd accomplished something too.