Friday, March 12, 2010

the proper way to slide

"with your bobbin."

Now that we spend so much time in the bathroom, Kiddo has picked up on some new words, like bottom. Except she pronounces it funny. So each time we go to the park, she informs me that she'd like to "Go down the slide. With your bobbin."

This makes me smile every time (and is so hard not to use in replies to her), but tonight was even better. Instead of 'horsey rides' around this house we have 'camel rides' (thanks to Grandma and Aunt M). Given my pregnant state, I won't give her a camel ride. But she can still convince Daddy to, even when he's really sick (like right now). The joy for her is not the ride itself, but getting herself up on the "camel." After a few rides, my husband was getting pretty tired of it all, and put his back at an angle so she couldn't climb up.

"Daddy will put your bobbin down," Kiddo announced with confidence, as she pushed down, trying to flatten his back. We both laughed and laughed as each time she remounted the camel she first checked for his "bobbin to be down."