Tuesday, March 23, 2010

5:30 wake up call

I woke up around 5:30 this morning and thought, "I think this is the best sleep I've had in weeks." I had fallen asleep quickly, and only got up once. I was about to roll over and get my last two hours or so when I heard a little voice from the next room.

"Mama!" "Mama!" with some unintelligible statement of problem. I went in to investigate. She told me she was all wet (I think) so of course we had to deal with that. She wasn't all wet, her diaper was wet, she went to the bathroom, then I told her it was too early to be up, and we went back to her bed.

I spent the next hour and a half half sleeping on her floor, while she dozed on and off in her crib. When I was finally convinced that a) she was truly asleep (a hard call to make in the dark without my glasses), and b) I could not lie on the floor a moment longer, I slowly, quietly stood up. She stood up too. "Have to go potty?" she announced. And thus our day started for real.

5:30 is way earlier than I wanted to get up. And any positive effects of my "good" night's rest did not happen. Maybe tonight.