Friday, October 30, 2009

sick, but happy, girl

Yesterday I noticed that Kiddo was vaguely more cuddly than usual. And, she woke up four or more times during the night. I determined that she was fighting off some germ, and would be just fine (power of positive thinking, right?)

Today she was very wired, all day long. Did that have something to do with the visit of her grandma and aunt? I'm sure. She is usually not that entertained.

In the middle of dinner, her aunt (who is also a nurse) looked at her and said, she's about to throw up, which Kiddo proceeded to do. It's been a while since this happened. It upset her, of course.

I picked her up when it was over, and she cried on my shoulder while her dad went to prepare a bath. As we sat in the bathroom waiting for her bath, she reported to me: "I sad. I sad." I replied that of course she was, no one likes to be sick or throw up. Then she asked, "happy?". I told her that if she wanted to be happy, all she had to do was smile. So she gave me one of her fake toddler smiles. I told her if she smiled again she would be more happy. She smiled again, and then amazingly enough, it worked.

She was now happy. She slid off my lap, and went to help her dad fill the tub, just like always. And got ready for bed, just like always. I don't know what will happen tomorrow (or tonight for that matter), but I love her resilience, and her desire to be happy. What a good girl.