Wednesday, October 7, 2009

my daughter's conference experience

This last weekend was my church's General Conference, where the prophet (think Moses, only for today) and twelve apostles (think Peter, James, and John, again for today) speak specifically to the membership of my chuch, but with words for everyone. It is a two-day spiritual feast, held every six months.

At almost 22 months, Kiddo misses a lot of the finer points of conference, there are a lot of speakers. While watching conference with my almost 22 month old, I miss a lot of the finer points as well. But, she loved the singing. She would sit on my lap, and announce "song" every three or four words of the song. When there are shots of the organ, she would announce "play" because I told her that someone was playing the organ. And the conductor was often mistaken for singing "rain is falling" because of his hand motions. Each song concluded with a rousing cheer of "YAY, song!" from the little girl.

My cousin blogged about watching conference without the music. What a fabulous idea. We can only watch the music, which will keep Kiddo occupied for at least 30 minutes.

ps- she seemed to figure out colors overnight. So she can tell me the dresses are "blue" which adds a whole new distraction to our listening.