Monday, October 5, 2009


I felt like Kiddo needed a snack this morning. So, in a total leave of my senses, I left her with the box of goldfish crackers while I started a load of laundry. It wasn't long after that I heard the now familiar sound of the contents of the box being dumped joyfully on the floor. As I started to feel angry I reminded myself that I had no right. I have never left Kiddo with a box or bag of crackers where she has not dumped them out, so I could not be surprised. I quickly retrieved the box from her (mostly empty) and finished putting on the laundry while she spread the crackers around as much of the floor as she could.

I then pulled out the broom to clean it up. "Helping!" she merrily yelled, trying to grab the broom. I instructed her that if she wanted to help, she needed to get her own broom, which she obediently found. How did I miss the fact that if a broom can be used to gather dirt and crackers, it can also be used to spread them out again?

So I bribed her with the opportunity to watch my e-card from my aunt and grandmother. It has a kitten, flowers, and music. Kiddo happily obliged, and the goldfish are no longer all over the floor (plus, my husband doesn't have to sweep tonight, so that's a bonus for him).