Thursday, March 26, 2009

at the store

I have many pictures to post, and no time to do it, so instead I will write this.

Kiddo and I made a quick jaunt to the store today. First, I approached a sweet parking space just as someone else did. I stopped too early so that he could take it, then he motioned me in. Thank you kind sir. I hope when he saw my little one he felt better about his good decision.

Once we got inside the store, I asked my daughter if she wanted to walk. Since our communication is pretty sophisticated these days (considering one of us doesn't talk), she immediately leaned forward so I would know to put her down. We had taken all of two steps when she reached up so she could hold my hand. Is there any more perfect moment? I think not.

She let go five or six steps later when she realized there was freedom to be had. She loves walking in big spaces like stores. Later she made a break for someone else's cart (our list was not big enough to merit a cart), and kept trying to push it, so our trip was then over, because she was pretty upset. (The donut hole seemed to aleviate the pain though.) After paying, the check-out lady handed me a pen to sign my credit card receipt. Kiddo wanted to help write (and was tired, so her tolerance was small). I couldn't sign it with her reaching for the pen, so I set her down, and instructed her: Cry really loud so everyone will know you're at the store. Recall, our communication is finely honed; she did just as I asked.

Now we're home, and she's asleep, and I'm still happy she wanted to hold my hand.