Saturday, January 10, 2009

heeding the prophet's counsel

As counseled by our church leaders, we keep our computer in the main living area. My daughter is in love with it (as she is with all electronics). Although we try to set up various road blocks to reaching the computer, we have not been entirely successful. And sometimes it is just easier to let her play there than other places... such as helping us pull things out of the oven. We have learned to not leave thumbdrives plugged in, because she will pull them out. We have learned to leave the mouse out of her reach, because she will stare into the light on the back. And we have learned that if we put the keyboard out of reach, she just pulls on the cords until it falls at her feet, and then we have problems like in the above photo. It turns out that ctrl-alt-arrowkey is an interesting feature on our computer.

We continue to try to keep her away, but her love knows no bounds.