Saturday, January 10, 2009

coming home

On Wednesday, Kiddo and I flew home. My husband had flown back a few days earlier for a conference and some job interviews (but there is no news on that front, so okay then). I prefer having two adults to one kid, but I was okay coming back, especially because I've learned to ask to be next to an empty seat. It meant sitting in the back row of the plane, but Kiddo and I had two seats instead of just the one we paid for. And in a moment of heavenly blessings, we were sitting next to a grandpa, who was more than happy to show Kiddo the lights, let her lean on his arm, and poke his leg.

The hardest part of the trip was actually navigating the airports, because Kiddo insisted on pushing the stroller, as indicated by this picture. Her dad was not pleased that I was enjoying his discomfort so much as to take a picture (but I had done my time with holding her and letting her push), but perhaps he was just tired, and frustrated that the bags were still not here.

A long car ride home, and we finally walked in our door around 10 pm. Kiddo was overwhelmed in her joy at seeing home. She pointed to everything "DA!" and looked at her books, and smiled, and showed me that I although I claim to love to come home, I don't feel it like she does. And she reminds me to feel emotions more.

I am glad to be home.