Monday, January 19, 2009

da, da, da, da

While she really has a lot of sounds, for purposes of communication with others, Kiddo only uses two. (Her full range can be heard when she is babbling to herself, not to others.)

The first is "Da!" It means: look at that. Or sometimes: tell me about that. It is accompanied by her adorable little finger pointing at something. Like her butterflies on the wall, or her pictures on her bookshelf, or anything else she'd like to draw our attention to.

A current favorite is at meal time, when she points to a picture of my siblings that hangs on the fridge. All seven of us are piled on the couch at my parents house; the picture is about 8 years old. She will point, announce "da" and not give up until we point to each face and tell her who it is. It is clear that it is exactly what she wants because as I (or my husband) says "Uncle G, mama, Uncle M, Uncle B, Uncle D, Uncle C, and Aunt L" she smiles as if all is right in the world. We will need a new picture soon.

Her other sound is "mmmMMMMmmm." This used to announce that she likes what she is eating. Or, that she would like to eat what she has just found. So, she will pull a clementine orange out, announce "mmmMMMMmmm" and try to take a bite. She found a leftover black bean on the floor yesterday, and I was grateful for her announcement of the delicious food she just found, because it gave me just enough time to snatch the hardened piece out of her hand. She eats many things, but those she truly loves get some positive feedback. It's very sweet.

We look forward to new sounds, but she is getting along with these just fine, so I don't expect any great changes soon.