Friday, November 5, 2010

story telling

When I finally intend to go to sleep at night, my husband usually comes with me. He tries to read while I fall asleep. Except it's usually the first quiet moments we have together, so I tend to interrupt his reading a lot to tell him stories from the day. (I believe that this sort of drives him crazy, but he won't admit to that.)

Last night after a story he laughed at me. I asked him why and he said, I love how you tell stories. First there is the build up, then the punch line, then the analysis.

What he didn't know is that I know that I always keep going after the punch line. I feel like I need to say more, and can never just let my stories be. This was a problem in my academic writing, and is a problem on my blog. I'm working on it. Notice how well I told the voting story?