Thursday, November 11, 2010

culture clash

I want Kiddo to have some friends her age, or slightly older than her. Currently all her friends are at least a year younger than her, or are adults. So, I've reached out to a woman at the library whose son is the same age. After her son being sick, then me, we finally got together today.

We showed up, and she offered me something to drink. I told her no thank you, and didn't think any thing of it. About 15 minutes later I noticed that her table was filled with drinks and snacks. It was then that it hit me, she is Indian, and they rules for entertaining are different for her. Not long after I accepted, gratefully, treats for me and my daughter. She was a very gracious hostess. And Kiddo will always accept a lollipop and m&m's.

After we'd been there about 90 minutes, Babs needed a nap, and I felt that we had surely overstayed our welcome. I started to make excuses about getting my kid home for a nap, and my new friend seemed genuinely perplexed that I would think I should leave. She assured me we should stay for at least a few hours. She later asked Kiddo if she'd like to come over every day. She loves to hold Babs. She got us pizza for lunch.

When we finally left, four hours after coming, I was concerned that she would think I was being rude, but really, Babs needed to sleep in her own bed. (She'd taken a short nap there, but like Kiddo, sleeps best in her own bed.)

And although I wasn't expecting a four hour play date, we will certainly play again. Kiddo really enjoyed herself, and now has a friend her age. She'll learn a lot by being around him, important things like how to climb up walls, and crash cars into each other, and eat spicy food. And, I'll think I'll enjoy myself a lot more next time, because I'll know what is expected of me, and will be able to relax. (And I'll schedule it for a day when I'm not exhausted by babysitting someone else's kids the entire day before.)