Aren't they cute together? This picture really emphasizes what Kiddo says: "She's so teeny!"
And since you can't really see the small one, here are some closeups.

Yes, she is a little fatty (for my gene pool any way), and yes, 4 1/2 weeks after her birth, she still has her umbilical stump. I tell her constantly its gross, and she should loose it, but she seems unfazed by my disapproval. (Hopefully she will retain this obliviousness to the approval of others (others meaning those who are not me) throughout her entire life.)

My kids have these adorable square heads. I love them. And they're pretty small (their heads, in comparison to the rest of their size). Considering how babies come, I love this about them.
I just have to kiss those delicious fat little cheeks each time she demands to eat. This delays her feeding, and irritates her. That just makes the moment that much sweeter. Did my mother secretly enjoy irritating me when I was teeny (and perhaps older)? No, I think she's nicer than that.