As previously mentioned, she can climb out of her crib now. So, as soon as Grandma went home, Kiddo moved (back) to her big girl bed. At bedtime, this has gone very smoothly. (What a difference 4 months makes!) But, it means that naps are mostly a thing of the past. I am trying to teach her about 'quiet time' and the expectation that she stays in her room so I can at least sleep for a few minutes during the day.
But her next new skill is that she's learned to open doors. So I can't even close her into her room. Quiet time is usually short, because I'm feeding Baby, and when Kiddo comes out of her room, then she's done. But she may be doing better with it, so I have hope.
She's also learned to take her shirt off. She can already get her pants off, which means that she can get mostly naked whenever she'd like. She usually does it near the end of the day, when I have less energy to convince her to get her clothes back on. She does understand that underwear is imperative, so at least that stays on.
One final skill that Kiddo's developed in the last few weeks is that she can actually carry a tune. Tonight she sang "I am a child of God" to her grandma and aunt at least 10 times straight. This skill is particularly sweet. She loves music, and this is another way for her to express herself. We also sing "Wheels on the bus" at least once a day, but usually more.
While Kiddo showed much interest in Baby at the beginning, now she doesn't seem to really care. She is pretty patient with the demands that come along with an infant, but occasionally insists that I "close it" (stop feeding) and "put the baby to sleep." I tell her no, and we move on with life. She's learning that the world doesn't revolve around her, and I guess that's an important lesson.