The other night I was having trouble convincing Kiddo to put on her jammies. So, as I often do when I'm losing patience with her, I walked away, telling her she needed to put them on herself, then we would read stories.
A little bit later, she had gone to the bathroom, and was brushing her teeth. I went into her room, and noticed that the pants she had been wearing that day were inside out, with the underwear. Hmm... So I investigated. As I feared, my girl was going commando.
"Kiddo, you have no underwear on." I informed her, holding out a new pair.
"What?" she asked, and then had to check...
I feel like I have more insight on why getting her to put on her underwear is such a struggle. They don't actually have meaning in her life, at all.
(She her new TinkerBell jammies? They have buttons. Consequently, she is now an expert buttoner, where as before, I don't suppose she'd ever tried it.)