She likes my brother (the one holding her) so much that during the Christmas festivities, when so many uncles were here, she called all men of a certain age "un-ka-dann." This name was applied to all uncles, and even some of her older cousins (age 7 1/2). But, if I were learning to talk, all of their names would have sounded the same to me too.
Although he and his lovely wife spent a week with us for Christmas, he's been gone for over a week now. But today, one of my mom's piano students showed up. My mom exclaimed her name, which happens to be my sister-in-law's name.
I was in the kitchen holding Babs when the student walked in the door. Upon hearing the name, Babs face lit up. She squirmed down, and started running for the door calling "un-ka-dann! un-ka-dann!"
(To avert great sorrow, I redirected her attention to the family photo, so she could think fond thoughts of the family she now knows and loves, thanks to Christmas holidays.)