Sunday, March 27, 2011

no update on sizes

Yesterday, my mother-in-law asked me what size shoe Babs wears, so she can buy her some shoes. I told her I didn't know, but I was planning on trying on some in various sizes for church and I would report back. I did know that every time I'd tried to put on a 6-12 month shoe (size 2), she would cry, so I was pretty sure it wasn't that.

Here is my report: I don't know. We attempted to try on a pair of size 3 and size 4 shoes. The wearer was uncooperative. Babs curled her toes up so her foot was just a fat little ball for either shoe. We could not unfold them. We could not relax her so she didn't care. She didn't seem to fit in either... This could be why she didn't fit in the other shoes as well.

For today we put her in some Robeez, that are super roomy, and eventually she stopped balling up her feet. Maybe after a few days she'll let us try on "real" shoes, and figure out what size she is after all.