Thursday, March 24, 2011

me and my brain

My primary goal currently, past keeping the kids alive, is to make sure that when we move, nothing extra comes along. (Are you moving? you say, Where? Answer: Somewhere. My husband's job has an end date later this year. So we will go wherever this undisclosed (to us) job is. Is this disconcerting, this uncertainty? you ask. Answer: Yes. But we've done it before, and we have faith and hope that our lives are well taken care of in the Lord's hands.) This means that I am determined to go through every box we have and make sure that anything we are holding onto has value for us, either we use it, or we love it. Everything else goes.

Sort of.

I was going through my school papers. As I opened up the boxes, I had it in my head that I was ready to let it all go. But I really wasn't. A lot of it went back into the boxes. I couldn't face recycling them. I told my husband about it. He replied "Not ready to give up your last connection to your brain?" No, I replied, I'm not.

So, apparently we're keeping things we use, we love, or we want. I can handle that list too.