Grandma and Aunt M came to town this last weekend. It was lots of good fun.
You may notice from what pictures I do post that I never do my child's hair. This is largely her choice, as she takes it out within minutes of my efforts. Hence I put forward no effort (plus its still really cute). But Aunt M feels differently. Not only did she do Kiddo's hair (adorable!) every day, she also offered bribes for leaving it alone. Note the tell-tale signs of m&m candies all over her mouth (the chocolate may not melt, but the candy coating sure does).

They came on Thursday. On Friday we shopped (yes my family, you read that correctly). On Saturday, we rested and played. That night my good husband and I went to the Opera in the City. It was amazing, and he loved it. Best Christmas gift he'll get from me for a long time, so I hope he enjoyed.
On Sunday we were going to go see the Statue of Liberty, but after church it was freezing cold and raining, so instead we just went home. We pulled out the dorritos (chips!) as soon as we got there. Kiddo did not dive into the chips as I expected, but instead ran towards the kitchen. I'm grateful I understood what she was saying "Get a tablecloth." Like any child who has recently moved, she understands that eating on the floor requires a table cloth for good picnic-ing. I'm glad I heard her because had she attempted to remove the kitchen table cloth I would have been very sad. We found another table cloth for our dorrito (and pbj sandwich) picnic.

On Monday we packed ourselves up and headed to New York City. Kiddo insisted that she could stand the whole way there. This is what she does on trains. I was glad that someone else was in charge of watching her, so I could sit my pregnant self down and rest.

We went to the zoo. She loved it. Her favorites were the sea lions, which for reasons unknown she called "pictures of M..." Really? Why? I don't know. Here is a classic picture of favorite Aunt M (and equally beloved Grandma).

Then after lunch we headed to FAO Schwartz. The piano was a big hit. You can see that she's really not heavy enough to make the keys work. Oh well, she liked running around on it anyway.

And that was about all the fun she could handle. As we walked to Times Square she dropped off into a peaceful slumber that lasted until the ride home. And even then she was content to stay in her stroller the whole way. That was a blessing for Aunt M for sure.

That evening, she got to (again) play with "brush and mirror" which was Aunt M's concealer. She painted her face many, many times. And since it went home with Aunt M, that's great. After all, clearly I will not have much of use to teach her about make-up.

The weekend was filled with books, and songs, and non-stop entertainment for my sweet little one. And a lot more rest than I'm used to (but could if anyone else wants to come by). We figured out that the City is close, and easy to get to, so pretend your coming to see us, and enjoy what this place has to offer.
As we dropped them off at the airport, Kiddo burst into tears and cried out "See Gramma and M again!" and was almost inconsolable. Good thing I packed the fruit snacks.