Thursday, July 16, 2009

bedtime duet

My husband's role in the bedtime routine is vast. He changes the last diaper, puts Kiddo into her pajamas, applies whatever ointments are needed depending on her skin condition, and reads the story. I brush her teeth and sit around while he does the work. We take turns either choosing a song or saying family prayer. Kiddo's job is to be as squirmy as possible, be particular about what book is read, and then wander aimlessly while we pray.

Then we turn off the lights, I give her a final hug and kiss, and turn her over to Husband who rocks her for a bit before putting her in her crib. She has, of late, started joining in the evening singing. Not the whole family version, she just sings along with her dad as he tries to put her down. It is adorable, made even more so by the fact she has no pitch or rhythm.

(Although it is slightly disheartening for my husband as he realizes she is not so close to being asleep after all, but I encourage him to look at the cute side of it.)