Monday, February 23, 2009

solo time

My amazing visiting teacher is watching Kiddo for the afternoon so I can get some work done (see how focused I am?). I walked up the steps in the library, these halls are so familiar to me, I've roamed them for 5 years now. I can almost get lost in the beauty and comfort of the library. This place is so familiar that I can almost forget that I only have two hours to work, that I am soon returning home to my daughter, and that I have very specific needs at this library. I can almost believe I'm here, yes to find a book, but also to see what other interesting books there are to learn from. (I love a good stack of education books...)

I don't feel this way when I'm pushing the stroller and hoping Kiddo can stay quiet for the 10 minutes we'll be here. I also don't love a public library as much as a university library. But as I climb the quiet back staircase, and drift back to the incredibly familiar, I realize it's not quite the same. My heart tells me this is a part-time gig, that will end soon, then I can get to the real purpose of my current life: an adorable 14 month old that needs me more.