Wednesday, February 11, 2009

another reason to work

It was 65 degrees today. Since it's supposed to cool down tomorrow (and continue down this path for the next few days at least) I made sure to get outside. Kiddo and I spent a half hour or so in the park behind our house. When we moved to our abode (and finally started using the park a year later) I was always vaguely sad that I would never have a kid here who could appreciate it. But lo and behold, I will have a kid to enjoy it.

She didn't remember the swings, but got very excited once she figured out what it could do. She stood in the mock fire truck and steered for a while. She loved walking on the big field. She was not keen on touching the grass in order to push herself back up after she fell, but we got around that by me holding her hand. (She won't crawl, but falls often while walking, so she's gotten very proficient at standing back up again). It is clear that she will love the park while we are still here.

So that is one more reason to work so very hard on my dissertation, so I can be done by the time the weather gets nice for good, so we can play, and there will be no guilt for not reading one more paper, or writing one more page. (Oh, there will be guilt, it's my way, just not about this.) Speaking of, I've got to get back to work.