Monday, June 30, 2008

...who goes in and out with me...

When my baby was about three months old, I was in the nursing lounge with another mom (she had just had her second) and I wondered out loud when I would finally have the courage to start doing errands with my child, and not feel vaguely imprisoned in my own home, or overwhelmed with the massiveness of the task of having a child and tackling a store. Obviously I couldn't leave her, but I was also scared to take her with me. My friend assured me that I would just do it one day, and then things would get better.

Last Saturday Leni and I were out doing errands, and it hit me how right my friend was. We've been doing errands for a while now. (I can still recall my pride and feeling of accomplishment after the first time - I was mobile - with a child - and I had done it!!!) At first it was daunting to have her with me always, and it certainly makes every trip more of a process. But, it's seems natural now to have her little voice hanging out behind me in the car, and it feels empty when she's not there. It's amazing how we adapt to all sorts of situations.

Now, if you see me during the day, it's a sure bet that my daughter is not far away... And I like that.


le said...

Ah, the days when my child couldn't run! I'm glad for you feeling of accomplishment, but at the same time I don't know how I will go through that accomplishment again with a running child.

Bekah said...

Hey hey, am I that friend? I remember us haivng a conversation like that! Glad it all has worked out! I had that same thought as I was in the grocery store with both boys the other it's just old hat. Good thing that things aren't always as daunting as they seem.