Tuesday, June 24, 2008

change in weight class

There are two other babies in our ward that are about Leni's age - one is a week older, the other is five weeks younger. Leni looks petite and delicate next to both of them. In addition, when people hold her (for the five seconds or so that she lets them) they remark how light she is. I have consistently joked that she is "a lightweight."

Well, we went to the doctor today for her six-month check-up - and she is no longer a lightweight - she is, at most, a featherweight. Weighing in at 13 lbs 15 oz, (a mere 15 oz. more than last time - although had they weighed her yesterday, before her weekly poop, she could have broken the 14 lb barrier) she has dropped off her weight curve. She is staying steady on her height curve, now measuring a mere 27 1/2 inches. I asked the doctor if I should be concerned about her weight, and she said no, but is having us come back in six weeks for a weight check. It is not clear what they expect of her (or us) or what the ramifications of that visit are, but it's scheduled, so we'll go.

Other than her weight gain being small, everything else looks great. She is happy, healthy, and friendly from a far - the Leni we know and love.


le said...

She looks so dang cute! My doctor was concerned when Josh dropped off the weight growth, she had him take all sorts of tests. I never went back, because I thought she handled it so poorly. Your doctor sounds much better.

T said...

Leni is so adorable, Ben said you guys are going to Texas for Christmas, is this true? If you are I am so excited to meet her!