Friday, June 13, 2008

ahhh, sleep

Not last night, but the night before, Leni slept through the night. We put her down at 7:30 pm, and we didn't hear from her again until 5:45 am. It might have been longer, but after 7 hours of sleep, I didn't know what to do with myself, and also needed to reassure myself that she was okay, so I went in to check on her. She opened her eyes, and we were off and running for the day.

Sort of. In reality, we ate, she played for 15 minutes or so, then went back for a two-hour nap. And I did too. Yesterday I was just excited because it was a new accomplishment. Each time I told someone of her marvelous feat, I also said that I was sure it wasn't permanent yet, but I was still excited.

Today, after she woke up again, twice, last night, I know two things. 1) I was secretly hoping that sleeping through the night was a habit, and not just a fluke, and 2) It was really, really great to get that much uninterrupted sleep.

Maybe tonight...

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