Wednesday, June 11, 2008

dip and suck

Leni has sharp little nails (as I suppose do all babies). She also has a tendency to scratch at her belly whenever it is bare. (oddly enough, she doesn't seem to do it when it's covered.) In most situations, this just means we have to be masters of the quick change. Bathtime, however, has required more creativity.

So, my husband puts on sock on the offending hand, and the bath goes on. Leni likes to suck on most things, but this sock, which quickly becomes a wet sock, is particularly attractive. Most baths, she will get the sock wet, suck on it vigorously for a moment or two, then dip it in the water again, then suck, then dip, then suck... until the bath time fun is over until another day. The urgency at which she does this is really amusing - it's like she knows her moments like this are numbered, so every dip and suck has to be really good.

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