Thursday, May 29, 2008

on a roll, part 2

Yesterday evening, Leni managed to roll herself over, front to back. This one happened largely as the pediatrician had described. She was pushing up on her arms (which she is not a fan of doing, she would much rather keep her head up with her incredible back and torso muscles - no arms needed), looked too far over to one side, and toppled over to her back. It took some squirming to convince her legs to follow but they did. My husband and I were very encouraging, and it was cute to see her beam in response to our lavish praise, even though it was clear to me that she had no idea why we were so excited. Hopefully she will reproduce this event again.

It does make us less nervous about the fact that she flips herself onto her belly each night during her 30 minute "I won't go to sleep" fit that she takes every night in her crib.

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