Thursday, February 2, 2012

Update at 11

Kiddo woke up yesterday feeling pretty yucky, so we skipped preschool. She seemed to perk up later, but was still obviously not quite well. After dinner, I didn't see her for a while, I assumed she was upstairs playing. She was actually upstairs asleep.

I felt relieved. She would get a good night's rest and be ready for life the next day. I would put Babs down and have a quiet evening. Except Kiddo woke up from her nap just as Babs was going down. Uh-oh.

10:30 rolls around, and she's still not tired. I got myself completely ready for bed, with her following me around telling me all about Swiper. (We saw a little Dora that day.) I climbed into bed, and she was still talking. I informed her that she could talk, but I would not respond. So I tried to fall asleep while she kept talking.

Around 11:30 she finally asked for milk, which seemed to be the end. But I'm not sure, because after getting the milk, I finally fell asleep. It's possible that she kept talking.