Saturday, December 18, 2010

my little dancer

Kiddo had her first dance class this morning. She loved every part of it. She loved having a school, having girls that "will be my friends," the music, the dancing, and of course the mirrors.

She did okay with following directions, I'm sure she'll get better as time goes by.

She did not love that Santa Claus came to visit. (It was the day of the holiday party.) In fact, it terrified her. When he walked in the room she immediately distanced herself from the group, then looked at me with grave concern. I motioned that she could come sit on my lap, an offer she immediately took. Soon, I went and sat with her on the floor so she could be with the girls, and still be safe from the man.

Dance class will be every Saturday morning. She can hardly wait. One mother kindly told me, after learning that she had never had any lessons before, that she was a natural. "It's in her heart" I replied.