Overnight, Christmas came! Kiddo has been anticipating this day all month. She knows the important detail: it's Jesus' birthday. And she had some idea that presents were involved. We spent a lot of time talking about presents being part of Christmas because of the gift that Jesus is for us. A few days ago we started talking, carefully, about Santa Claus. (She is still petrified of him, and I'm okay with that.)
This morning, we forgot to use caution. "Kiddo, did Santa come?" Aaahhh, she cried in response, until we reminded her that he was completely gone by then. Not only had the stockings been filled, but many, many presents had shown up under the tree.

Then we started opening presents. Kiddo opened the first one. As soon as she saw it (the present, still unopened) she yelled "it's my favorite!" She loves presents.

She also helped open Babs' presents, and anything else that interested her. She was very excited about all of the fun. As she opened a book, Grandma asked her what shape it was? Kiddo announced "A rectangle!"

But eventually, the presents overwhelmed her. We would hand her a present, tell her who it was from, and she would hand it back to that person and wish them a "merry Christmas." We took a break so she could play with what she had.

We also visited Great-Grandma B and family, and then later in the afternoon saw my aunt, uncle, cousins, and grandparents. It was a wonderful day to be with family, and celebrate Christ.